Base64 Encode / Decode

Encode or decode text in Base64

Tool description

Our base64 encoder decoder online tool allows you to easily convert any string into its base64 representation, or decode a base64 string back into its original form.

If you want to encode the string, simply enter it in the input field and click the "Encode" button. The tool will then convert the string into its base64 representation and display the result for you.

If you want to decode a base64 string, simply enter it in the input field and click the "Decode" button. The tool will then convert the base64 string back into its original form and display the result for you.

Base64 encoding is a widely used technique for representing binary data as ASCII characters, allowing it to be transmitted over networks or stored in text-based data formats. By using our base64 encoder decoder tool, you can easily convert any string into its base64 representation, or decode a base64 string back into its original form.